How to clean your Invisalign braces

The maintenance of dental treatments is essential to guarantee a satisfactory result. Although the first part of the process of a dental treatment depends on the professional who implants it, the vast majority falls on the patient and their responsibility with care and hygiene. One of the treatments that requires the most commitment is the use of Invisalign splints in invisible orthodontics, today at Medident we give you some simple and useful tips on how to clean dental splints.

Why is it important to clean invisible braces properly?

Cleaning your Invisalign appliance helps keep your teeth and mouth healthy throughout your treatment. This is because the braces are in direct contact with your mouth and are prone to bacteria build-up that can lead to dental plaque or gum infections.

Tips for proper maintenance and cleaning of your Invisalign splints

Invisalign treatment, although it is an orthodontic treatment, has a completely different mechanism to traditional braces. This type of invisible orthodontics is based on transparent aligners that the patient can easily take off and put on during the day, which allows for very simple maintenance.

Clean the splints outside the mouth at all times

Splints can be removed for eating and drinking, but they should always be kept clean and disinfected, even if they have not been in direct contact with food. Because they are removable, they should be brushed and rinsed out of the mouth to reach all cavities for thorough and thorough cleaning.

Use warm or cold water to rinse your invisible braces

To avoid damaging the plastic material from which the splints are made, never wash them with very hot water and never put them in a dishwasher or similar. They should only be rinsed in lukewarm or cold water.

For thorough daily cleaning, soak the splints in a solution specifically for prostheses

There are splint cleaning tablets available in pharmacies, supermarkets, some dental clinics and specialty shops. These solutions are usually effervescent tablets or powders. Simply soak the splint in a glass of water with the recommended dose of denture solution a couple of times a week. They will remove any organic particles from the splint and prevent odours in the long term.

Avoid leaving your splints out in the open when not in use

Exposing dental splints to the outdoors can cause them to accumulate dust or other debris, as well as unprotect them from accidental falls.

Use a dedicated brush to clean splints

Do not use the same brush that you use to clean your teeth to clean your Invisalign splint, as the bacteria accumulated in the mouth are much more abundant than those that accumulate in the splint and these can remain on the brush and be transferred to the transparent dental appliance. Ideally, a single brush should be used as a splint cleaner.

Use PH-neutral soap to clean your invisalign

Although the material used to make Invisalign sleeves is strong, it is best to avoid soaps with ingredients that may alter the material and have a fragrance, as they may leave a bad taste in your mouth when you put the appliance back on. Use a neutral Ph soap to disinfect the dental caps.

When not in use, store your clean invisalign splints in a suitable airtight container

As mentioned above, leaving the cover out in the open when you are not using it can accumulate dirt and run the risk of falling off. Remember to always store your clear braces in the Invisalign case.

Things to avoid if you want to keep your invisalign braces in perfect condition

In addition to this guide on how to wash a dental splint, following these tips will help keep your sleeves in perfect condition and ensure the results you expect.

Do not use toothbrushes with very hard bristles for your invisible braces.

Using a toothbrush with hard bristles can scratch the brace and affect the quality of the appliance and its invisibility when you wear it. Choose a medium or soft brush exclusively for cleaning the brace.

Do not soak splints in mouthwash or mouthwash.

These types of products can affect the transparency of Invisalign splints and make them opaque and even stain them with a slight yellowish tint.

Avoid doing this with the braces on:

For the treatment to achieve the smile planned by you and the orthodontist, the invisible splints must be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day. During this period, avoid all of these actions so as not to damage your clear cover:


Smoking is the great enemy of health in general terms and its effects are particularly visible on teeth. Tobacco smoke considerably alters the colour of teeth and objects (both your teeth and the splint can become yellowish or greyish in colour), not to mention the bad smells.


Some foods can stain the splint material and cause it to lose its main characteristic, to go unnoticed. On the other hand, chewing can cause scratches or fractures in the material as well as accumulate organic debris between the various holes in the appliance.

Chewing gum

Chewing gum can get stuck in the nooks and crannies of the transparent sleeve and make it difficult to clean later. Be sure not to wear it when chewing gum.

Drinking alcohol or soft drinks

Soft drinks are carbonated beverages that cause severe damage to the Invisalign splint and also to your teeth. On the other hand, alcoholic beverages have acids that can affect the material and erode the denture. With the brace on, you should only drink plain or cold water.

Other frequently asked questions:

How many times a day should I wash my Invisalign?

Before putting on the clear cover, always brush your teeth first. It is advisable to clean the clear dental appliance every time you take it off and store it in its case, a minimum of 2 times a day.

How to remove the bad smell of Invisalign?

The ideal is to be consistent in the cleaning guidelines mentioned above. Soap with a neutral pH and warm water as a daily routine, in addition to the specific solution for prostheses, will keep your Invisalign splints in perfect condition.

How to remove tobacco stains in Invisalign?

In these cases, hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide can remove the yellowish stains and restore the transparency of your dental splint.


Do you need more information about orthodontic treatment with Invisalign splints or do you have questions about any other dental treatment? Contact us and we will advise you without obligation. At Medident Dental Clinic we specialise in dentistry with the latest technology and the most advanced techniques in the sector.


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